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Hawthorn Class

Welcome to Hawthorn Class (Y5/6)



The class teacher is Miss Taplin.

The teaching assistants are Mrs Lewin and Miss Walters.


Our curriculum theme is:



Our enquiry question for Summer 2024 is, 

"How does art have the power to change the way we see the world?"

The main subject we will be focusing on during our project is art. The children will learn that artwork is an attempt to express emotions or ideas. They will discover that art has been a powerful means of communication throughout human history. They will find out how art has become a powerful tool to tackle subjects such as climate change, human rights, gender equality, racial justice, mental health and more. They will understand how art has the power to change the way we view the world, awakening us to new perspectives, ideas and values. They fill focus on artwork that has made a difference in the world such as, The Guernica by Pablo Picasso and The Scream by Edward Munch.  


They will explore sculptures, create an installation art and finally they will create a powerful image to convey a message on a subject they feel passionate about.


They will consider the following questions:

What is a sculpture and how does it differ from other art forms?

How can a painting or sculpture transport you to a different time of place?

What is symbolism in art?

How can artwork ignite conversations and help us learn about others' ideas, values and cultures?

How do artists use their artwork as a tool for change?

How does a painting or sculpture allow us to see things from another's viewpoint or perspective?


Throughout our project, we will explore concepts such as creativity, influence, transformation, expression and diversity.

The school treasures we are focusing on are Aspiration and Honesty.

Our United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) this term is Good Health and Well-Being (3): Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages.  


Enhancement subjects


Science: Investigating forces (building bridges)

RE: What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?

PSHCE: Growing and Changing

Design & Technology: Food (healthy eating|)

PE: Swimming and cricket

MFL: Spanish


P.E. is on a Wednesday this term. Cricket in the morning and swimming in the afternoon. Children should come to school wearing their PE kit on this days.


We will be visiting the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, a beautiful and unique outdoor art gallery, where the children will explore over 100 outdoor sculptures by internationally renowned artists. 


There will be information, updates and photos posted on Class Dojo as well as individual messages so please check your app regularly. Please message me if you have any questions. 
