School Dinner Menu
Meal changes for week commencing December 16th
Monday 16th - Dippers, diced potatoes and Veg
Tuesday 17th - Sausage, chips
Wednesday 18th - Xmas dinner
Thursday 19th - Cheese Pasta
Friday 20th - Fish fingers, chips
Autumn Term Lunch menu
Tuesday 5th November - Bonfire night -Hot dogs, chips, mushy peas
Monday 11th November - Remembrance day - Cottage pie, winter greens
Dinner Menu starting 4th November
Week 1
Monday - Quorn Dippers, diced potatoes, sweetcorn and carrots - Carrot cake
Tuesday - Chicken and coconut curry, mixed rice and naan bread - Brownie
Wednesday - Cheese and tomato pasta, garlic bread, crunchy veg sticks - Sponge and custard
Thursday - Gammon roast dinner - Mousse
Friday - Fish and chips - Cookie
As soon as we receive the new menus they will be avaliable to view here
Amended Menu May - Oct 2024
Summer Term Menu
At present the school menu is the same as Autumn Term 2023.
We are on Week 2 as of week commencing 19.2.24
Week commencing 18th December
Monday - as menu
Tuesday - Cheesy pasta
Wednesday - Christmas dinner
Thursday - Hot dogs
Friday - Fish and chips
When we return to school on Thursday 4th January due to deliveries the dinners will be as follows
Thursday - Pizza followed by mousse
Friday - Fish followed by a muffin
We will then follow the menu as normal so week commencing 8th January will be week 2
Dinner Menu change from November 6th 2023
Please see below permanent changes to our menus
Week 1
Wednesday - The burger will now be a plain burger not a Southern Style
Thursday - The meat will now be Gammon and the pudding will be a cookie
Week 2
No changes
Week 3
Tuesday - Farmhouse hot pot
September 2023 Dinner Menu
The turkey roast dinner will change to a gammon roast dinner
Please note the September 2023 Menu will start on Week 2
September 2023 Dinner Menu
Coronation Celebration Menu 5th May
April Lunchtime menu
Dinner menu change from 17th April
Week 2 menu change
Monday - Dinner will now be Tomato pasta, garlic bread and crunchy veg followed by choc mousse
Wednesday - Dinner will now be Pizza, jacket wedges and carrot sticks followed by ice cream tub
Spring Menu 2023 starting 20th February
Final 3 days dinner menu
Monday 19th Dec
Pasta Americana with garlic bread
Arctic roll
Tuesday 20th Dec
Vegetarian sausage roll, roast potato and veg
Chocolate cookie
Wednesday 21st Dec
Fish fingers, chips and beans